The MacNab

The MacNab

The Macnab Challenge – a salmon, a stag and brace of grouse in one day – has its roots in a novel by John Buchan.
Simon K Barr finally succeeds after 10 years of trying

Simon K. Barr
The Last Word

The Last Word

Charles Jardine selects this painting of a roe by Dutch painter Rien Poortvliet as his favourite piece of sporting art. The artist shot this particular buck himself and created the piece in collaboration with the German hunting magazine Wild und Hund

Charles Jardine


Training your dog how not to damage game when retrieving from the hunt

Ben Randall
A passion for deer

A passion for deer

All my holidays were spent creeping through undergrowth observing and bettering my understanding of deer. Hugh is the chairman of the British Deer Society.

Hugh Van Custem
Tahr wars

Tahr wars

A defining moment of this hunting generation... No hunting problem will ever look the same again.

Peter Ryan
High stakes

High stakes

The inclusion of licensed hunting in a conservation plan is a brave move – but the success of Pakistan’s markhor strategy shows that while the risks are many, the rewards can be immense. Simon K. Barr flies to the Hindu Kush to join indomitable septuagenarian Steve Hornady, whose day job is overseeing Hornady Manufacturing in Nebraska, USA

Hormones raging

Hormones raging

A special time of year for the roe stalker: the rut.

Anthony ‘TRIGGER’ Alborough-Tregear
Roe deer in Great Britain: A brief sporting history

Roe deer in Great Britain: A brief sporting history

Attitudes towards what many consider the 'prince' of the UK's deer species have changed considerably over the years.

David S. D. Jones
Transferable skills

Transferable skills

You don’t need a specialist deer dog for stalking, says professional gundog trainer Ben Randall who is out most evenings hunting roe and fallow with his labradors.

Ben Randall
Old age and character

Old age and character

Dr Kevin ‘Doctari’ Robertson, a qualified veterinarian and respected authority on African wildlife management and conservation, explains the controversial topic of what constitutes a trophy specimen.

The essence of hunting

The essence of hunting

Montana-based Andrew McKean is one of America’s most gifted outdoor writers. Formerly the editor of Outdoor Life, which had a readership of 5.4 million at its peak, he masterfully reflects on the universal gift of hunting.

The trouble with deer

The trouble with deer

Restauranteur, deer manager and venison retailer, Mike Robinson, explains the pandemic’s impact on British wild deer.

Mike Robinson


ATV’s may be quicker at getting deer off the hill, but there is certainly still a place for the wonderful Highland pony, as Susan Laing of Dalnacardoch Estate and Sylvia Ormiston of Balmoral Castle explain.

Fieldsports Journal
Moor time on the hill

Moor time on the hill

We all need to do our bit to promote Scottish deerstalking, says the sixth baronet and owner of Borrobol Estate in Sutherland, Michael Wigan.

Fieldsports Journal
Nile buffalo

Nile buffalo

An unforgettable big game hunt in the shadow of Uganda’s Mount Elgon.

Simon K. Barr
Hunting bongo in Cameroon

Hunting bongo in Cameroon

Honest reflections on an unforgiving hunt in the Cameroon jungle by Lady Katie Percy.

Lady Katie Percy
Spring roebuck stalking

Spring roebuck stalking

As the days lengthen, an all-consuming desire to stalk Capreolus capreolus is triggered explains Anthony ‘Trigger’ Alborough-Tregear.

Anthony ‘TRIGGER’ Alborough-Tregear
Conservation through utilisation

Conservation through utilisation

Will Pocklington reminisces about a plains game safari never to be forgotten.

Will Pocklington